Thursday, November 21, 2013

Serial Slicing

Here I have the a form I created in rhino. I started with a taurus and manipulated it using control points to create this form. I liked the continuity and flowing lines, as well as the subtle variations in the surface of the form. I created a file for serial slicing and sent it to the laser scanner. 

I assembled the wooden pieces using wood glue and screws every few layers to give the piece a more sturdy hold. I grinded down the piece and sanded it. The above photo is after the assembly and sanding and in the process of applying the finish which was graphite powder.

This final photo is of the finished piece on display for critique. With the graphite powder coating it gives the feel of something very earthy. I placed some colored wires along the inside curve to invite the viewer to take a look at the piece from a different perspective and engage the eye from many different angles. I enjoyed this process and taking a form from a computer model to completion through the method of serial slicing was a great learning experience and something I wish to explore further with different pieces.

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