Digital Applications in Sculpture Computer Modeling for Sculpture Projects
SCPT 250:
This course explores the relationship between digital tools and sculptural practice. Lectures and hands-on activities are supplemented by 2-D vector based programs, digital photography software and 3-D modeling programs. Students learn how to use the computer as a design tool for sculpture and to prepare files for various outputs.
SCPT 450:
Students explore their own personal visions using digital tools and computer software programs designed for the development of 3-D forms, spaces, objects, sites and processes. Students develop a critical basis for the evaluation of their use and explore the possibilities and implications of digital tools and processes.
Professor _ Andrew F. Scott
The Industrial Automation syllabus includes for Industrial Automation course module on panel with placement assistance. Industrial Automation topics covered are Introduction to industrial automation, PLC, SCADA, HMI, Automation in Electrical, Micro PLC & Relay Logic, Advance HMI & SCADA & Many more. The duration, course content and syllabus call @9310096831.